The Edible Islington Cookery Club has been a huge success so far; Nathan and Saba had some very positive feedback from not only the children participating but also their parents. It would seem that our young cooks have spoken with great enthusiasm to their parents regarding all the new skills they have learnt and are keen to practise at home under the supervision of Mum or Dad. It is also very clear that the children have really taken on board the importance of safety and hygiene in the kitchen, the pleasure and importance of sourcing local ingredients and the importance of trying new flavours before deciding whether or not they like them.
Ellie - "I never knew you could eat nettles and they actually tasted quite nice!"
We made a Spring Vegetable Risotto in Week 2 using fresh broad beans and asparagus; to this Nathan added nettles that he had picked only moments ago, with the help of some of the children, from our very own Hanover Edible Islington Garden. The children also added other herbs from the garden such as marjoram, chives and thyme.
On Local Food:
Lailaa - "If you use food that is local or grown in England and is in season then it tastes better and you don't have to use food from other countries which means that we have less pollution from the aeroplanes."
Samira - "I enjoyed using the manual chopper to chop the onions. I enjoyed tasting new things like Parmesan and Gruyere cheeses and it was really interesting to taste things separately and then combine all the flavours."
Grace - "I enjoyed all the cutting and chopping and learning new knife skills."
Katijah - "I liked everything but I really enjoyed making the Potato Latkes with a Watercress Salad. I liked the grating of the potatoes and flipping them over in the pan when they were golden. I've never had watercress before until I tried it in cookery club - it was yummy!"
Tasnia - "I enjoyed making everything but the muffins were my favourite thing to make - even the savoury ones!"
Otto - " The muffins were fun to make and I really liked the Gruyere, Sage and Onion ones and so did my Mum."
Chimene - "I enjoyed all the stirring and cooking and seeing food change shape and colour after cooking. I really enjoyed eating what we made with the rest of the class and taking some home for my family."
Danny - "I liked making the dressing with the cider vinegar and olive oil - it tasted delicious with the watercress."
Rhys - "I liked chopping and mixing and smelling and tasting."